Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Home Networking Wireless or Wired

There are several methods for networking your home or small office computers. The simplest and most cost effective home networks technologies we will look at today are Wired and Wireless networks and the Pro's and Con's of each.

Wired Networks

Wired networks are seen as the most stable and reliable form of networking by people as this technology has been around for a long time.

Wired networks are great to use when you have the space and ability to run network cables through your house. In return for this effort you get a secure and reliable network with good data transfer speeds. This means that you will be able to send information from one computer to another one quickly.

A wired network is seen as more secure as any malicious users will only be able to get into your systems through your external internet connection or by connecting a wire directly to your router, switch or hub. Even then this problem can be contained through the use of firewalls, sophisticated routers or in the later case by not letting strangers into your house who are trying to run a network cable to their machine.

A wired network is seen as more reliable as the signal is sent over wires and not broadcast over a relatively uncontrollable area. Your network speeds and quality are not affected by weather conditions, thickness of walls etc.

With a wired network you can expect speeds from between 10Mbps with older technology up to 1000Mbps with newer hardware. This allows for excellent data transfer speeds between machines allowing for fast sharing of data and files over your network.

The price for wired home networking hardware is extremely cheap as the technology has been around for a long time and there is a lot of competition from manufacturers keeping the prices down. You can get a basic router or network hub from 10 - 40 pounds that will allow you to share your internet connection and files across multiple machines. A basic network card should cost between 5-10 with the faster 1000Mbps cards costing from 5-15 each.

Replacing faulty wiring can be tricky and expensive if you have hidden it away behind your walls. Another bad aspect of having wires is that each machine must have a wire running from it to the router or hub. This may be ok when you can have the wires hidden away in the bedroom or the office but what if you want to use your laptop in the middle of your kitchen or living room. Do you really want wires running across the floor causing potential trip hazards amongst other things?


Wireless networking offers many great advantages. The biggest advantage is portability. You can take your wireless laptop from your living room to your kitchen to your bedroom and still have access to all of your files and internet. This is great for using recipies from the internet right down to doing a little work in front of the TV.

Another advantage of going wireless is that you do not have to hide lots of wires going between your machines and router. This makes everything look tidier and more clutter free whilst also removing potential trip hazards from lots of loose cabling.

A wireless connection can be affected by many outside factors that you must take into consideration. A wireless signal can be seriously affected by the thickness of your walls, floors and also how many other wireless connections are in your area. With thick floors and walls your signals can become distorted or even wiped out causing problems transmitting and receiving information.

There are solutions on the market to increase the power of your wireless transmitters and receivers which would increase connectivity issues in the event that they occur.

Security is not a problem as such for wireless as long as you properly secure your network. The simplest form of protection is to use something called a WEP key. A WEP key is used on both the computer and wireless router and acts as a code between the two machines to keep data encrypted. If someone does not have the key they should not be able to access your network. There are further options available depending on your chosen wireless router to increase the level of security.

By not securing your wireless network you are essentially leaving the front door of your network and internet connection open to anyone who wishes to connect using their own wireless equipped computers.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, both technologies serve the same purpose but with different pro's and con's. If you are looking for an easy clutter free solution with increase mobility then I would recommend attempting a wireless network setup as long as you ensure that you set at least WEP encryption to protect your computers and internet connection from unauthorised access.

If you are looking for a slightly more secure and reliable connection then go with a wired setup. A wired setup should bring you faster networking speeds with the disadvantage of having to have wires running between devices.

James Streep is a computing and networking specialist. He has been working with a UK based company Discs Express for several years and has been advising customers on computer hardware and network solutions. Discs Express are a specialist online retailer of computer hardware, peripherals, Ink cartridges and blank optical media. More information can be found at http://www.discsexpress.comBrianne Blog47397
Alfie Blog61321

Kids Dont Work Out, They Play

The other day, I was working out to music in my living room when my 8 year old daughter and two of her friends came in. Naturally, questions followed: what am I doing, why am I doing it, etc. After a while, the three of them joined in.

Of course, kids being kids, my workout soon expanded into a free movement and dance session. The sound levels increased with lots of laughter and squeals. After a while, the festive atmosphere was too attractive even for grown up friend of mine to resist and she joined in. What started as a workout became a party!

Kids have such an amazing way of moving just to move which we adults sometimes forget how to do. With a few exceptions (obesity, physical disability etc) kids don't need organized workouts, personal trainers, posh workout clothes or equipment to get them moving. Have you ever watched children playing on a playground? Now that's a tough work out! They move, run, jump, tumble down and get up again over and over. They move because moving feels good, not because they "have to" or "need to" exercise.

Most of us adults did a fair number of physical activities involving free play when we were young. How many of those activities do we do now? If not, why not? The common phrase I hear from adults (I have heard myself say this) is "I used to be able to do that, but now I am too old".

Honestly, is being too old a valid reason or just an excuse to allow ourselves not to do something? Personally, when I say "I am too old to do that", I really mean I am afraid of hurting myself. I know I was afraid of getting hurt as a kid too. What did I say back then? Certainly not "I am too old". I would have said, I am afraid of hurting myselfthen I would give it a try again and again.

This idea of giving up things as we become "too old" seems to be a self-fulfilling prophesy. Stopping activities because we are too old means becoming more sedentary and hence less excited about daily lifejust plain old. To quote Barbara Morris, author of "Put Old on Hold": Who decides when you are old? You Do!

Ok, ok, of course, many of you reading this would disagree. But more and more people are saying "I am not going to stop doing activities that I did when I was younger". Stopping is just not an option for these determined and vibrant people. Of course, because of past injuries, safety issues or whatnot, the way of doing the activities might have to be modified.

Back to the free play ideafree play is about learning. Learning keeps us young. This is true for our bodies as well as our brains. Our bodies learn with use or unlearn with disuse. If we are doing the same activity over and over, our bodies will learn to do those things very well and will unlearn those things that we don't do anymore. Likewise, our bodies will learn to do new things that we take up.

We fitness trainers convey this notion to clients as a "practical explanation" that there is a need to do a variety of activities to keep from hitting a fitness plateau and losing motivation often referred to as cross training. It would be very difficult to convince adults that they need to go to the playground and just play like a kid, so we apply lots of science and logic to the argument. But free play is the message. New experiences, challenges and fun keep us young.

As an example, my current partner, a 40-something fitness buff, recently decided that he wanted to take up something completely new for his body, Kung Fu. After the first lesson he said that he was really sore and said he felt injured because "the guy really did hit me hard". I thought for sure he wouldn't continue. The next day he was buying special Kung Fu shoes with great enthusiasm. Hmm like a kid on the playground he tries, gets hurt and tries again. Why? Because he is doing it - FOR FUN. Although, doing the same activities over and over is a comfortable routine, getting out of the comfort zone expands us physically, mentally and spiritually. How to get out of the comfort zone? Play like a kid!

Copyright (c) 2006 Ainsley Laing

Ainsley Laing, MSc. has been a Fitness Trainer for 25 years and writes exclusively Body for Mind eZine. She holds certifications in Group Exercise, Sports Nutrition and Personal Fitness Training. To see more articles by Ainsley visit Blog66611
Beatrisa Blog50509

Real Learning By Doing... A Marketing Internship

Some people learn best by reading text... others by listening to audio. Most do well with video and excel even more with a live interactive group teaching environment. Mentoring programs have become very popular recently with that realization. Why beat your own path when you can hire someone who has already been down that path to be your mentor? The cost is often nominal in comparison to the benefits.

There is a huge demand today to start your own Internet business. Everyone understands why that demand exists. There are billions of dollars at stake on the Internet. Internet businesses are easier to fully automate. You can just taste the freedom that an Internet business can provide. I know. I started my own Internet business just over 7 years ago and have never looked back. Every year just keeps getting better and better.

Most folks realize right away that the most profitable aspect of an Internet business is the marketing. Perhaps you are like me and had technical skills before starting an Internet business, but no marketing skills. Or perhaps you have management skills, but lack in marketing skills. It doesn't matter. If you want a successful Internet business, you need to master marketing. How?

Lots of folks start out on the various forums. I did myself. It took over a year to figure out what a mistake that was... the forums are just rat's nests of the blind leading the blind. Those who have found Internet success generally don't hang out there... why would they?

Others start buying ebooks. Is that a good way to learn marketing? Perhaps. I've read a few great ebooks. Most are duds though. In fact, it seems like a lot of folks new to the Internet decide to write ebooks about how to make money on the Internet... even though they haven't yet made a dime. Most of the ebooks you buy will probably be from these types. That's not a great way to learn.

Others buy audios and videos. These are often much better than the ebooks because for some reason new folks seem to think it's easier to write an ebook than to produce an audio or a video. So... you end up with teachers who seem to know a bit more when you buy an audio or video package.

Still others take that next step and go to a seminar. Often they are disappointed when they find out that they paid $3000 for a seminar and it was just a bunch of marketers trying to sell their stuff. That's the way it usually works in this industry. If they were smart though, they spend some time building some relationships and watching how the marketers did their thing... in order to emulate them... instead of to buy their stuff.

At this point, most folks are starting to get a hang of things and maybe even making a small profit. Even though all of those sources are really rather poor sources to learn from... many folks are able to put it all together and read between the lines. The total result often leads to some personal breakthroughs.

What then? Well... you can continue trial and error. You can continue to buy ebooks, audios, videos and attend seminars. Little by little you will learn to throw away the 95% junk information you hear and make the 5% a part of your business. That works. Many have taken that slow steady path and have made it. Others truly do their own sole trial and error routine and also burn a slow and steady path.

Another option is a mentorship. You can pay someone who is more successful than you are in a particular area (like marketing) and they can show you the path. There are many great mentoring programs out there. In fact, if you trashed all of the above and simply started right out with a great mentor, you could save yourself a lot of grief and build your business much, much faster.

The problem is usually one of cost. If you are currently working a middle of the road job and putting in an extra 3 or 4 hours a day trying to build an Internet business... you generally don't have a lot of cash to invest in a mentor. Once you beat your own path for awhile and create a profitable Internet business with 3 or 4 years of hard work... this might be an option... but not right now.

Or is it? There is a kind of a program very similar to a mentorship that costs no money at all. It's called an internship. Instead of paying someone to mentor you on your business, you work in their business as an intern. Many people find that they learn much better by actually doing something... much better than they learn by reading, listening and watching others.

Internships aren't just for college students anymore. They are becoming more and more popular for anyone at any age to switch careers. That is really what you are doing; isn't it? You are changing career from whatever you do currently in your daytime job... to the owner of an Internet business. Why not try an internship?

Many successful Internet companies have intern programs. They are willing to teach you exactly how they actually run their own company while allowing you to actually do each step. What better way to learn?

James BrauschBerget Blog82721
Bunny Blog81557

What Is The Purpose Of A Bridesmaids Gift?

Your dream finally came truealong came Mr. Right and now you are engaged! Not only are your girlfriends excited about your engagement, but also they are happy to be a part of our wedding day. Being invited to serve as a bridesmaid is both flattering and rewarding. It is flattering in the fact that the bride considers her bridesmaids to be her closest friends. It is rewarding in that the bride shares special bridesmaids gifts to show her appreciation. Knowing that you are appreciated is very gratifying.

The unique quality in friendship is that friends help each other out of love. True friends do not expect anything in return when they perform a kind gesture for the other. If friends are supposed to help friends, why should the bride feel obligated to give bridesmaids gifts to her attendants? The answer to this question is simple. Bridesmaids are given several tasks to help minimize the brides stress. In doing so, the bride is very appreciative. It is not an obligation for the bride to show her appreciation it is her choice.

Being a bridesmaid is not easy. Not only is it time consuming, but it is also a financial burden. Giving her attendants a bridesmaids gift is a small price for the bride to pay in comparison to the hard work performed by bridesmaids. Friends should never take each other for granted. Whenever someone does a kind gesture for another, there is always room to show a little appreciation. Whether you voice it, write it down, or purchase a gift, saying thank you is always appropriate.

On average, couples spend approximately 2% of their wedding budget on attendants gifts. Ironically, the attendants perform more than 50% of the work that is invested in planning the wedding. This is why friends are such wonderful people. They are willing to invest more than they will get back. Brides are fully aware of the fact that a $25.00 bridesmaids gift cannot compare to the tremendous amount of time and money spent by her bridesmaids. However, the sentiment behind the gift is priceless. Gifts are simply an expression of the appreciation that a giver has for the recipient.

Because bridesmaids do such a wonderful job to assist the bride, it is often difficult to decide what to give them. One thing to keep in mind is that true friends are not difficult to please. The best bridesmaids gifts are those that are affordable, unique, and practical. A popular choice among brides is bridal jewelry. The wonderful quality that bridal jewelry has is that it has a multipurpose. Not only can it be worn on the wedding day, but it can be worn for other occasions as well. Bridesmaids are special people who deserve special gifts.

Michelle Lindsey writes about wedding customs and fashion for http://www.silverlandjewelry.comAnita Blog85039
Adrea Blog59043

Top 10 Website Mistakes

After being a website designer and user since 1996, I'm still seeing people make the same mistakes on their websites. Here's a list of the ones that will drive people away from your site and cause you to lose business (and your reputation as a professional business person).

1. 'Under construction' signs on your site. Websites are intended to be Living Documents. They are supposed to change and grow. Putting an 'under construction' sign on your website marks you as an amateur. If your site isn't ready to show to the public, don't publish it to a public location.

2. Visitor counters. Visitors generally don't care how many other people have visited your site. If the visitor counter shows a low number, that can be a psychological turn-off to people; if it's too high, people might believe that you've forged the number. Just take the visitor counter off your site. If you really need to know how many people have visited your website, check your statistics. (If your hosting company doesn't provide good statistics, get a new one!) Check out our article on how to choose a hosting company:

3. Lack of copyright statements. Everything you write, and your website design itself, is copyright-able. Make sure you include copyright statements on every page, and update the year in the copyright statement as appropriate. Nothing screams 'Not up-to-date' like having a copyright statement from 1997 on your site.

4. Overuse of technology. There are some really great, cool and wild techie things you can program into your website. But it they are going to distract the visitor from your message, or if they're going to slow down the loading of your page, ditch the extra technology in favor of simplicity. This includes large Flash shows, animated graphics and other large graphics, as well as scrolling text and audio that comes on as soon as the person hits your website.

5. Passive verbs. Use active verbs and active sentences when writing your site's copy. Active verbs are powerful and lend energy to your site. Need to brush up on using active verbs? Check out this site:

6. Long sentences. When people read long sentences, they have to keep the first part of the sentence in their mind when reading the last part. People are easily distracted. Help your visitors by keeping your sentences short and crisp.

7. Long pages. Studies show that most people will not read a long page of text off of their computer monitor. They'll either print it or they'll scan it looking for major topics and bullet points. Keep your pages short. If you have a lot to say, consider creating a series of pages that explain your topic, with good navigation between each page.

8. Not identifying the benefits of your products or services. People make purchases for two reasons: to get rid of pain or to get pleasure. People want to know how your products and services will help them with their specific pain/pleasure situation. Instead of telling them that your widgets are made from steel and are 3 inches across, tell them that your widgets will stop their faucets from leaking for a lifetime.

9. Forgetting to ask the visitor to do something. In marketing, this is known as a Call To Action. Tell your visitors what you want them to do next. Sign up for my newsletter. Call me. Order today.

10. Believing in 'build it and they will come.' It might have worked in the movie Field Of Dreams, but in the reality of internet marketing it's: build it, MARKET it, and they will come. Once you've built your website you have to tell people about it. Think of your website the same way you'd think of a box of marketing brochures: if you don't get them into the hands of people, they're not worth the money you spent to create them.

Umang Patel ( Blog50477
Brana Blog28569

Be A Great Leader

Picture an unproductive workplace, staffed by unmotivated employees. People are standing around, some are trying to look busy, but nothing ever seems to get accomplished. The team leader is frustrated because things just don't happen the way they're supposed to. Even in busy workplaces, goals are never fully reached despite the hustle and the bustle. If this scenario describes your workplace, maybe it's time to do something about it.

Many people are content just to stand around listening for orders. It isn't unusual for an entire staff to become complacent and adopt a follow-the-leader mentality. But you're different. Somewhere inside of you is the desire to make things happen, and you dream of being the head, not the tail. You could be the born leader that your company needs to succeed.

Some people believe that great leaders are born, not made. Although it may be true that many are born with natural leadership talents, these qualities will never be fully developed without practice, drive, enthusiasm and experience. Good leaders are continually working and studying to improve their skills, and possess a natural commitment to constantly improving both professional and personal endeavors.

A leader is defined as 'one who influences others to accomplish a goal or objective'. This person contributes to the organization and cohesion of a group.

Contrary to what most people believe, leadership is not about power. Good leaders do not harass people or drive them by inflicting fear. Rather, they encourage others to meet the goals and objectives of the organization. Effective leadership entails putting everyone on the same page and helping him or her see the big picture of the organization.

There is a big difference between being a leader, and being a boss.

The first step to being an effective leader is encouraging others to follow your lead. How is this accomplished? People follow others when they see a clear sense of purpose. Your team will only follow you if they see that you know where you are going, and have a sensible plan to meet your goals. Think of the bumper sticker that read "Don't follow me, I'm lost too." The same logic holds true for leadership. If you do not know where you're headed, how can you expect others to follow?

You must understand the vision of your organization. Have a clear sense of hierarchy; know whom the bosses are, and whom each person can go to for guidance. By displaying a clear understanding of the organization's goals and objectives, and how the organization operates, you will be able to prove to others that you are a confident leader.

Being a great leader is not about what you make others do. It's about who you are, what you know, and what you do. You are a reflection of what your team strives to be.

Studies have shown that another basis of good leadership is the trust and confidence that your team has in you. If they respect you, they will go through hell or high water for you and for the organization. Trust and confidence are built on the clear communication, high ethics and trustworthiness that you display on a day-to-day basis.

The way you deal with your team, and the relationships you build, will lay the foundation for the strength of your group. The stronger your relationship, the more trust they will have in your capabilities. Once you have earned their confidence, you are able to communicate goals and objectives to your team.

Communication is a very important key to good leadership. Without consistently clear communication you cannot succeed as a leader. The knowledge and technical expertise that you possess must be clearly imparted to other people.

Sound judgment is also vital for good leadership. You must be able to assess situations, weigh the pros and cons of any decision, and actively seek out a solution to any problem. Your team will begin to rely on your good judgment; so good decision-making is vital to the success of your organization.

Leaders are not expected to be heroes. Trust your team to fulfill tasks and make their own decisions. You should not claim to know everything, and you should not expect others to rely upon your skills alone.

Recognizing and taking advantage of the skills and talents of your group is the only way that you will be able to succeed as one cohesive unit.

Being a great leader takes a good deal of work and time, and is not learned overnight. Remember that it is not about just you. Great leaders take every opportunity to involve the people around them.

If you feel that you have the drive and desire to be a great leader, and to make a real difference in your organization, then go ahead and make the change. In other words, take the lead.

Donald Wilson contributes articles to several web magazines, including and Blog62000
Betty Blog99509

Tips On How To Study History

Before we actually dive into this vast subject, I would like to touch on a few things. Firstly, studying history is like studying any other type of subject in that it demands participation and a big amount of patience. The successful student forces him or herself to study, of course there are certain tactics to make the whole thing go by easier and more effective.

Having that said, you should know that the following advice is what I feel is the most appropriate approach to studying history, it does not imply (by any means) that it is the only way to study history, we should have this issue clear. Secondly, if this way of studying does not fit your way of learning, throw it out and never look back! What! Did I just tell you to dismiss my own advice? Well, yes, but only if you find it reprehensive enough to the degree that you feel that the advice will actually give you worse result than benefit. Albeit, here it goes:

Studying history is often perceived as boring I have to disagree, its not just boring it is really boring if you dont know how to tackle it! Heres my take on the two elements you should always look at when studying history:

a) The Reasons/Causes behind an event.
b) The Consequences that followed.

By understanding why things happened and what the events led to, you have in fact answered most of the questions. This is what any person studying history should look at, in contrast to getting caught on all the details. So the first action you need to take when you've received a new history assignment is to write down all the possible causes to the event and the consequences that erupted due to the causes.

You will find that most of the time, finding the consequences is by far easier than trying to understand why it happened in the first place.

Adam Abderisak, a.k.a. "Study Coach" is an education instructor and entrepreneur. His latest work is a study guide entitled "Study Guide Pro". Be sure to visit his website to check out some of the most "lethal" study techniques known to man: Blog63179
Aida Blog63178

Gift Cards: The Advantages and Disadvantages

Everyone loves receiving and giving gift cards for special occasions. They reduce the stress of worrying if the recipient will like those jeans or shirt you bought them. They eliminate the fake smile and the "I can always use a new pair of jeans" routine from the person getting the gift. However, beware of the risks and hidden cost while using your gift card.

Consumer Advantages

Every year, gift cards are increasing in popularity. Generally, there are three different cards: store-specific gift cards, restaurant gift cards and general-purpose gift cards. Store-specific gift cards are meant to be used at the particular store and usually come with less hidden fees. Some stores like Old Navy and Banana Republic have became partners and allow their customers to use the gift card at either store. Restaurant gift cards are very similar to store-specific gift cards. They allow you to go and enjoy a nice dinner as a gift. Just make sure you tip the server the same percentage as you would if you were paying the total bill. General-purpose gift cards give the consumer a broader range on where to use the card. These types of cards are typically Visa, MasterCard or American Express and can be used anywhere those major credit cards are accepted. The flexibility is the main benefit of using the general-purpose card. You can fill up your gas tank, go out to eat, buy concert tickets or what ever else you want to do with it.

Consumer Disadvantages

Many general purpose cards come loaded with fees. According to The Lowdown on Gift Cards article on, some gift-card programs will issue you another card if your card expires. These replacement cards will cost you from $5.95 to $10. If you order the card online or by phone you will be charged a $4.95 to $8.95 shipping and handling fee and a $3.95 to $11.95 service fee. Some gift cards will charge you a monthly maintenance fee if you still have a balance on your card after six months or a year. If you still have a balance after this period of time, a $2 to $3 monthly fee kicks in.

If your gift card is lost or stolen, good luck! Some retailers will not replace a missing gift card. Other retailers such as Macy's and Bloomingdales are more easygoing and will issue you a new card if you can provide a receipt showing your most recent purchase. Some general-purpose cards will cancel the missing card and will re-issue a new one for a $5.95 to $10 fee.

So make sure you keep your card in a safe place, use it before it expires and buy it directly from the merchandiser and you will avoid most of these fees.


According to the Retailers Just Love Them article on CBC News Online, the sales of gift cards have exploded from $1 billion in 1995 to an expected $70 billion in 2006 in the United States. As of 2004, 68 percent of all major retailers offer some sort of a gift card. The number is probably even greater now that it is 2006. Coffee giant, Starbucks, has estimated that 10 percent of all their sales come from gift cards.

Another reason retailers love gift cards is consumers will pay less attention to sales and they tend to spend more than what they have on the card. Retailers notice that consumers will spend the whole amount on the card and have a small balance of $2 or $3 left on it. Chances are, shoppers will never use the card again and this works to the retailer's advantage.

One more advantage to retailers is instead of having just the holiday rush and then being prepared for holiday returns, they actually get a double rush. Since consumers give gift cards as holiday presents, the gift card holder will usually rush straight to the mall after the holidays to spend their cards. This results in a major cut-down in returned merchandise.

There are a few disadvantages for retailers. Gift cards can cost the retailer for 50 cents to $3 per card, depending on how many are ordered. There are also implementation costs of up to $50,000. Implementation costs cover all start up fees related to producing and tracking of gift cards.

Gift Card Exchanging

Recently, Internet businesses have created web sites allowing people to sell or swap unwanted gift cards. EBay got involved in this idea and now has more than 7,500 gift cards listed for sale or auction. This can be a good idea if you receive a gift card to a particular store and you do not like anything in that store. You can exchange these cards on these sites for other cards or even cash. Sites such as and are good sites that offer this service. On, you can even buy gift cards at a discounted rate. For example, you may be able to buy a $25 Office Depot card for $17; that is another way of saving.

Copyright 2006 Debt Management Credit Counseling Corp.

Pete Glocker is employed in the Education and Charitable Services Department at Debt Management Credit Counseling Corp. (DMCC), a 501c(3) non-profit charitable organization located in Boca Raton, Florida. Pete graduated from Florida Atlantic University with a BA in Multimedia Journalism and was a web producer Intern for Tribune Interactive products and DMCC provides free financial education, personal budget counseling, and debt management plans to consumers across the United States. Debt management plans offered by DMCC help consumers relieve the stress of excessive debt by reducing credit card interest rates, consolidating and lowering monthly payments, and stopping collection calls and late fees. DMCC financial counselors can be reached for free education materials, budget counseling and debt management plan quotes by calling 866-618-DEBT or by visiting Pete Glocker can be reached by email at Blog68683
Biddie Blog86758

The Crisis of Stress

For the past 200 years our world has been facing a "crisis of modernity". A crisis of stress. The need for stress management and stress reduction.

The Industrial Age with the advent of steam power, the printing press and mass transportation (via land) created what at that time was seen as a state of severe stress.

Information Age followed with newspapers, radio and then television raising the stress level to unprecedented heights.

But lets face it folks, the Electronic Age with computers, e-mail, the internet, downloadable information on almost anything imaginable, has made that seem like kids stuff.

As fast as we adjust to new circumstances they change again. And, the rate of change seems to multiply like a rabbit onViagra!

The instant availability of information on virtually any subject has destroyed our ability to pause, analyze and look for alternatives.

Most of the stress experienced by twenty first century leadership, may come from dealing with change.

We desperately need stress relief.

For stress reduction today many people use a stress ball and, while it may help, there is a better answer.

To be a change agent today you need to be an aggressive forward thinker. And, you have to be a change agent!

The only way to stay ahead of change is to get behind it!

Those who promote change are in charge of it, those who oppose it are overwhelmed by it!

Those who must be dragged kicking and screaming into the next set of changed circumstances will be crushed. Stress anxiety can be a killer.

"In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins - not through strength but by perseverance." (Author H. Jackson Brown)

When we determine to become advocates for change we suddenly find ourselves in the position of pusher rather than pushee (we become the stream).

We are more relaxed, more self confident, more self assured and we find that others are more willing to follow our lead.

Peter F. Drucker summed it up this way, "The best way to predict the future is to create it."

It's also the easier way! If you believe you can hold back the snowball of progress, you are doomed to be swallowed up in something over which you can never hope to have any control.

By being a change agent you won't just cope with this epidemic, you'll turn it into a dynamic force for personal and corporate growth.

Len McNally

Early in 2006 Len McNally's book Acres of Diamonds Revisited was published by Authorhouse. As a follow up Len's new ezine Acres of Diamonds Revisited will continue on many years of coaching, motivating, and mentoring people to become everything nature intended them to be. For additional information or to subscribe to Acres of Diamonds Revisited - the ezine - go to http://www.acresofdiamondsrevisited.comAlena Blog32676
Camala Blog18872

What is I.B.S. (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)?

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a disorder characterized most commonly by cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea. IBS causes a great deal of discomfort and distress, but it does not permanently harm the intestines and does not lead to a serious disease, such as cancer. Most people can control their symptoms with diet, stress management, and prescribed medications. For some people, however, IBS can be disabling. They may be unable to work, attend social events, or even travel short distances.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS is the most common gastrointestinal disorder seen by GI Doctors. IBS may affect up to 20 percent of Americans, or 54 million people. IBS appears fairly equally in people of all races, but it tends to affect women more than men, in fact three times as many, however, men may be less likely to report the problem.

The onset of IBS usually begins to occur in late adolescence or in early adult life. It rarely appears for the first time after age 50. For many, the condition is chronic, and symptoms can appear for months, then disappear, then reappear again.

For some, the symptoms are mild and for others, the symptoms can be quite severe and even debilitating.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a functional disorder of the gastrointestinal tract characterized by abdominal pain, excessive gassiness, bloating, and irregular bowel movements. Some people can control their symptoms with diet, stress management, and prescribed medications. For some people, however, IBS can be disabling. They may be unable to work, go to social events, or even travel short distances.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome may also be referred to as spastic colon, mucous colitis, spastic colitis, nervous stomach, or irritable colon. IBS is difficult to diagnose with traditional medicine, as it cannot be discovered through physical examination, x-rays, or blood tests. It occurs more often in women than in men, and it begins before the age of 35 in about 50 percent of people. IBS patients seem to fall into two categories:

1. Those who report that they have had symptoms since childhood.

2. Those who report the onset of symptoms after an illness, accident or specific situation.

What causes IBS?

Researchers have yet to discover any specific cause for IBS. One theory is that people who suffer from IBS have a colon (large bowel) that is particularly sensitive and reactive to certain foods and stress.

The immune system, which fights infection, may also be involved. research indicates that:

1. Normal motility, or movement, may not be present in a colon of a person who has IBS. It can be spasmodic or can even stop working temporarily. Spasms are sudden strong muscle contractions that come and go.

2. The lining of the colon called the epithelium, which is affected by the immune and nervous systems, regulates the flow of fluids in and out of the colon. In IBS, the epithelium appears to work properly. However, when the contents inside the colon move too quickly, the colon looses its ability to absorb fluids. The result is too much fluid in the stool. In other people, the movement inside the colon is too slow, which causes extra fluid to be absorbed. As a result, a person develops constipation.

3. A person's colon may respond strongly to stimuli such as certain foods or stress that would not bother most people. Serotonin and the GI Tract Recent research has reported that serotonin is linked with normal gastrointestinal (GI) functioning. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, or chemical, that delivers messages from one part of your body to another. Ninety-five percent of the serotonin in your body is located in the GI tract, and the other 5 percent is found in the brain. Cells that line the inside of the bowel work as transporters and carry the serotonin out of the GI tract.

People with IBS, however, have diminished receptor activity, causing abnormal levels of serotonin to exist in the GI tract. As a result, people with IBS experience problems with bowel movement, motility, and sensation, having more sensitive pain receptors in their GI tract. In addition, people with IBS frequently suffer from depression and anxiety, which can worsen symptoms. Similarly, the symptoms associated with IBS can cause a person to feel depressed and anxious.

Researchers have reported that IBS may be caused by a bacterial infection in the gastrointestinal tract. Studies show that people who have had gastroenteritis sometimes develop IBS, otherwise called post-infectious IBS.

The following have been associated with a worsening of IBS symptoms:

large meals

bloating from gas in the colon


wheat, rye, barley, chocolate, milk products, or alcohol

drinks with caffeine, such as coffee, tea, or colas

stress, conflict, or emotional upsets. Researchers have found that women with IBS may have more symptoms during their menstrual periods, suggesting that reproductive hormones can worsen IBS problems.

How is IBS diagnosed?

IBS is generally diagnosed on the basis of a complete medical history that includes a careful description of symptoms and a physical examination. There is no specific test for IBS, although diagnostic tests may be performed to rule out other diseases. These tests may include stool sample testing, blood tests, and x rays.

Typically, a doctor will perform a sigmoidoscopy, or colonoscopy, which allows the doctor to look inside the colon. This is done by inserting a small, flexible tube with a camera on the end of it through the anus. The camera then transfers the images of your colon onto a large screen for the doctor to see better. If the tests results are negative, the doctor may diagnose IBS based on symptoms, including how often a patient may have had abdominal pain or discomfort during the past year, when the pain starts and stops in relation to bowel function, and how bowel frequency and stool consistency have changed.

Many doctors refer to a list of specific symptoms that must be present to make a diagnosis of IBS. Symptoms include:

Abdominal pain or discomfort for at least 12 weeks out of the previous 12 months. These 12 weeks do not have to be consecutive.

The abdominal pain or discomfort has two of the following three features:

It is relieved by having a bowel movement.

When it starts, there is a change in how often you have a bowel movement. When it starts, there is a change in the form of the stool or the way it looks.

Certain symptoms must also be present, such as:

A change in frequency of bowel movements

A change in appearance of bowel movements

Feelings of uncontrollable urgency to have a bowel movement

Difficulty or inability to pass stool

Mucus in the stool


Bleeding, fever, weight loss, and persistent severe pain are not symptoms of IBS and may indicate other problems such as inflammation, or rarely, cancer.

What is the treatment for IBS?

Unfortunately, many people suffer from IBS for a long time before seeking medical treatment. Up to 70 percent of people suffering from IBS are not receiving medical care for their symptoms. No cure has been found for IBS, but many options are available to treat the symptoms. A doctor will give share the best treatments available for particular symptoms and encourage ways to manage stress and make changes to diet. Medications are an important part of relieving symptoms. Hypnotherapy is non intrusive, safe, comfortable and a cost effective and complementary to use along side mainstream medicine.

Dr. Bunny is a former model and award winning image consultant. When her own allergies and migraine headaches disappeared using hypnotherapy she was hooked! She earned her PhD in clinical Hypnotherapy with a specialty in IBS. Featured on radio and television, Dr. Bunny is an experienced speaker and has authored many articles for newspapers and magazines and is working on a book illustrating how the mind impacts our behavior.Brunhilde Blog17454
Anna Diane Blog1783

How to Maximize Your Credit Card Rewards

Been sucked in to the lure of a rewards credit card only to get burned in the end by high interest rates and a less than stellar return when it came time to cash in those points? Youre not alone.

For credit card companies, acquiring customers is big business, and most cards today offer some kind of incentive for running up the charges on your plastic. If youre not careful, and use your card at will just to collect a few measly points, you could get stung. But by following a few simple rules, you can turn the tables on the credit cards companies and use that rewards card to your advantage.

What to choose?

Most likely, your mailbox is full of pre-approved offers for new and exciting credit cards. In fact, in 2005 over 6 billion unsolicited credit card applications were mailed. The average person received approximately 72 offers. If youre in the market for a new card, its important to weigh your options carefully. Most credit cards today offer some kind of rewards, but which one is right for you?

Take a look at your lifestyle and spending habits. Would you benefit from a points-based rewards card, an air mileage card, or one that offers cash back on purchases? Points-based cards usually give you one point for every dollar charged. When you accumulate enough, the credit card company will usually have a shopping portal set up, where you can redeem your points on a variety of products (e.g., electronics, gas cards, travel, etc.).

Problem is, most items in the catalogue are ludicrously overpriced, though its better than nothing. Air mileage cards offer great benefits to the frequent flier, but in todays airline industry, whos to say how much fees will be raised by the time youre ready to redeem? With cash back cards, theres most likely a set amount youll need to charge annually before you reap any benefits, so make sure you read the fine print before you sign up.

Take Advantage

Quite simply, offering incentive-laden cards are a way for credit card companies to get you to sign up. Rarely are the rewards worth the interest rates youll pay if you carry a monthly balance. But therein lies the rubpay off your credit card every month and put those rewards to work. Heres how: Charge as much as you can on your rewards card. We know, it goes against everything you were ever taught about using a credit card. Let us explain.

If your collectors allow it, charge every bill you have to your credit card instead of using a debit card or writing a check. Then, pay that balance off immediately to avoid incurring an interest fee. Youll collect big rewards points fast, and itll be just like paying cash. Be disciplined about it though, even one month of letting those charges sit on your card can be a killer when the fee kicks in.

Another idea: instead of having separate credit card accounts for you and your spouse, ask for an increase in your credit limit and a companion card for one account. The more you both swipe the plastic, the quicker youll accumulate rewards points.

Off the beaten path

As rewards cards have become more prevalent, credit card companies have come up with new incentives to make their cards more desirable to consumers. Many cards have a system that provides extra rewards points to customers who shop with certain vendors. Some will even offer coupons where you can save big shopping with certain companies while still earning extra points. It might take a little more effort, but it will certainly rack up the rewards points at a vigorous pace.

Joe Kenny writes for the Card Guide, a UK based credit card comparison site, visit today for some balance transfers and clear your credit card debt today.Anthia Blog53050
Carolan Blog93399

The Top 10 Terms You Need to Know in the Seduction Community

"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
-Immanuel Kant

Its my mission to give you wisdom: attracting all the positive stuff, repelling all the negative stuff. Theres no sense wasting your time with information and emotions that dont make you a superior man (example: the many, many pickup books that are an absolute waste of time). So Im going to help you attract the information YOU need to know, to get the girls you want!

To do that, Ill be sharing my favorite websites for quality information. Here you can learn all the things you should doand all the things you shouldnt!

The first website you need to know about is .

So much of the seduction community is centered around terms, initials, and euphemisms. Theres IOI, DHV, negging, cocky funny, inner wuss, ATC, frame controlyou name it, theres a term for it. Knowing these terms isnt crucial, but the meaning of the terms themselves is very special knowledge. For example, you dont necessarily need to know that ATC means Artificial Time Constraint, but understanding the concept of only spending a limited time around women before taking off, is invaluable. is a great website for sorting out all the terms.

Enjoy, and remember: Knowledge is only as good as putting into action. Follow the lead of Kahlil Gibran:

"A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle."

Heres just a sample of the informative (and often hilarious) terms found in this website: Definition of

"Often confused with infatuation by adolescents, college students and even supposedly mature people. Love is not the often associated chemical reaction which has similar effects on the brain as cocaine, nor is it the inability to be without that person for a day."

-OMG! Im sooo in love with Brad Pitt!!
-No youre not. You just want his small wang. You dont even know him!
-*Cries* No, I will marry him! Im going to go home and fantasize about him! *Cries and runs away* Definition of

"The act of making flirtatious physical contact with a person of sexual interest. Generally considered to be a vital tool in ones Game Belt."
Hopefully I can get some action by using a little kino on the ladies tonight. Definition of

"Often confused with love, this is the feeling that a particular woman is actually special. This is just an illusion; she is the same as the other three or so billion." Go **** ten other women is the most commonly prescribed treatment for this "disease" (hence the "itis"), as it tends to show quite quickly how very alike people are.

In other words, get over yourself and your obsession with that girl, because its just an illusion. And when you get rejected, dont be depressed. Because theres really not much to worry about."
Dude, you definitely have oneitis for that girl. Youve been talking about her nonstop for the past week. Dont you realize shes nothing special, and that you are just being fooled? Snap out of it so you wont be so depressed when she rejects you! Definition of

"A light insult wrapped in the package of a complement. Used by pick-up artists to gain and maintain the attention of women who possess uncommon beauty (9+). These women are immune to standard complements."

The classic neg
pua - "you have beautiful nails, are they real?"
(9+) -"not really"
pua - "Oh, I guess thats still cool"
pua - "thats really cute, your nose wiggles when you speak"
(9+) -"no it doesnt"
pua - "ha ha, there it goes again, sorry, its just really cute"
"I just kept tossing neg after neg at that 10 standing by the bar, and she loved it, she was giving me crazy kino" Definition of

"Noun: Demonstration of Higher Value
Verb: Demonstrate Higer Value
Presentation that will increase your value in the opinion of your audience."
I related a funny and cocky joke as a DHV. Definition of

"Alpha Male Of the Group
A guy that everyone thinks is cool and is always the social center of the room."
Bob: Dude, why is everyone crowding arounding that bag of douche?
Me: Cause hes a total AMOG Definition of

Beta Male
"An unremarkable, careful man who avoids risk and confrontation. Beta males lack the physical presence, charisma and confidence of the Alpha male."
Pete knew he was losing the girl hed just met at the bar to the guy who bought her a drink, but he was too much of a beta male to do anything about it. Definition of

"Verb; to Sarge.
The act of engaging conversational rapport with a complete stranger.
Though tied to the seduction community as the official name for being "on the hunt," the term also applies in business and interpersonal relations, as the act of appearing as a socially versatile and competent person.
Credit to Ross Jeffries, who claims to have named the act after his cat."

in seduction:
"My wingman and I went sarging last night at club X."
"The goal in business is to sarge your coworkers as soon as you start working there. Its a quick way to appear competent!" Definition of

"Master Pick Up Artist.
Used to refer to one who has attained legendary status within the Pick Up Artist community. Originally used to refer solely to Neil Strauss, aka Style. Referenced in Strausss book The Game."
Man Style kept eight girls on the go, he truly is a mPUA.

And now, my personal favorite definition

"A method of castrating men without using sharp objects."
From David DeAngelos article:
She looked at him with compassion in her eyes and said "Thank you I really mean that but I dont want to mess up our friendship youre too important to me"

Now thats something you definitely want to avoid! And if you want to make sure the words "just friends" never enter your eardrums again, visit the place that turns men around the world from "just friends" to "seduction masters":

Because its your turn!

Relationship expert, James Brito, delves into the secrets of female attraction and seduction. The bestselling author of "How to Be Irresistible to Women" and "The Art of Impressing Women" offers a free six-part audio mini-course that you can get simply by visiting:Carmon Blog8362
Amalle Blog42553

What Does a Paralegal Do?

Paralegals are assistants specially trained to handle the day-to-day needs of the lawyers they work for. Whether you are the sole assistant to a top lawyer or part of a team of paralegals in a legal department, your job will include the following tasks:

Draft and file documents, Interview clients, Research cases and precedents, Non-legal research

As a paralegals, you will be able to find work anywhere including private law forms, the district attorney's office, government agencies, major corporations, banks, hospitals, or insurance companies.

What training do I need to become a paralegal?

Community colleges, online institutions, and vocational schools all offer certificates, associate's degrees and bachelor's degrees. No matter which program you choose, you will be trained specifically for the position of paralegal.

Your training as a paralegal will give you the tools to make a lawyers job go more smoothly without the ultimate responsibility of the cases. The list of tasks delegated to paralegals grows daily but their scope of practice is very specifically defined especially regarding presenting cases in court, offering legal advice, and setting legal fees.

What will I earn as a paralegal?

Education and experience greatly impact your earning potential as a paralegal. Where you live and who employs you also affects your rate of income.

Large firms and companies in large cities generally pay more than their smaller, more rural counterparts. Many paralegals, however, are often given bonuses in addition to a salary that could land anywhere between $28,000 and $50,000+. Legal secretaries make a bit more with salaries that range from $32,000 to $53,000+. Senior paralegals command salaries of $35,000 to $60,000+.

Do I need to be licensed or certified to be a paralegal?

No. There are some national exams for paralegals but none are required. It is recommended that you enroll in an American Bar Association approved program.

What is the future of the field?

The position of paralegal is expected to grow faster than most professions in the next decade, by more than 30 percent.

Melissa Steele is a featured writer for She has been writing about technical vocational schools since 2004. To learn about legal degrees and law schools online, please visit us today. Alejandra Blog82786
Cahra Blog75298

How To Register A Domain Name

You may be wondering if you should get a .com, .net, .info, or .whatever kind of domain. So many different kinds of domain extensions to choose from, and so little time. If you are registering a domain name for a for profit business, you should always register a .com domain. From a brand perspective, there is no better domain than a .com domain. Most people associate business domains with the .com extension just like they associate school domains with the .edu extension.

It may not make any difference in the beginning, but the more successful you become the more it could hurt you. Lets say you develop a new product idea and the .com domain name you want to call it is not available, so you register the .net domain instead. Sounds harmless enough. Now, lets fast-forward a couple of years. You have spent time and money to develop your brand and people are searching for your product online with the .com extension simply because they expect you to own the domain with the .com extension.

Another reason to shy away from other than .com domain names is that someone may already have copyright protection for the domain name you want to register. Look further if the .com domain you desire is not available. Even if you dont find the exact domain you initially searched for, you may find one that is better than your original idea.

Whenever the domain you desire is not available through the registrar, you can try purchasing it from the registered owner. Unfortunately, many people register domain names to take advantage of others. The common name for such a person is domain squatter. I only recommend buying domain names from domain squatters if you have money to burn. The more they know you want it, the worse your chances of getting a good deal.

In other situations, someone may have good reason to own your desired domain name. It is unlikely that youll be able to buy the domain name from a thriving online business. It is possible that you run across a Web site with the perfect domain name for your business.

George Meszaros with Webene http://www.webene.comCathrin Blog74733
Arlee Blog95225

So, You Want To Start Your Own Business? My Congratulations And Deepest Sympathy

So, you have just come up with the best one-of-a kind idea since sliced bread and want to launch your own business. Congratulations, you are on the road to the American dream of becoming an entrepreneur! Now let me extend my deepest sympathies for the pain you will experience as you try to get your business started.

Hey, dont stone the messenger; Im not the only Negative Nelly on this topic! The facts are, as stated by the Small Business Administration, 80% of small business start ups close within the first five years. But, maybe you and your idea are different and you are prepared to beat the odds. If you still want to give it that ol college try read on. (My apologies to those of you whom I have completely devastated. However, keep in mind that if you are still reading and I havent scared you off yetyou could have what it takes to start your own business.)

Have you ever wondered why we are in awe of the Bill Gates and Martha Stewarts of the world? Have you ever wondered why they are one-of-a-kind kinda guys/gals and are so well known? Well, I think it has something to do with the blood and guts they had to donate to start and be successful in their own businesses. Anyone can start their own business, but only 20% of those starters are still in business after five years and even fewer are actually running a successful business; that means making money. So, this journey definitely takes more than what 80% of us have. Are you still reading? Ok, you may have what it takes.

What it takes to launch your business (well leave the part about actually being successful to another article) is what I refer to as the Eight Steps to A Successful Start:

1. Determine Your Niche,
2. Identify Your Ideal Client,
3. Develop Your Unique Value Proposition,
4. Create Your Brand,
5. Prepare a Business Plan,
6. Prepare a Marketing Plan,
7. Develop a Sales Strategy, and
8. Accept failure, learn from it and re-group

Please note that the first eight steps have nothing to do with what you actually want to do in your business. In other words, if your dream is to be a career coach, you wont actually be coaching clients until you have been a marketer, sales person, financial expert, and strategist. Oh, and for those brave Internet entrepreneurs you will also have to become an Internet guru. Note: if you know what mega-tags are, congratulations you are well on your way! Back to my point, what is important to keep in mind is that for most business launches it takes a full two years before you are doing whatever it is your business is all about and before you are ever the business owner of your dreams. Still reading? You are already beating the odds!

Lets take a look at Step One, Determine Your Niche. Your niche is determined by defining exactly what group of consumers will be your customers. This group will consist of people who have specialized interests and needs, and have a strong desire for your service or product. An example of a strong need would be an attorney who needs a well organized back office system to keep track of past and current case loads. The group in this case is attorneys and the specialized interest/need is all about well-organized back office systems. So, if your product is a well-organized back office system for attorneys, this guy/gal is in your niche.

Once you have identified a group with specialized interests and needs, now known as your niche, you have to ask and come up with answers to the following questions:

Will this group spend money for my product/service? And, do they have the money to spend? A good way to tell is if they have spent money for similar products/services in the past. For instance, moms might be a great target market for a new type of stroller, especially since they have spent money on similar products. However, not all new moms have money to spend on a new stroller. You would then want to specifically target moms who have more disposable income i.e. extra cash for your one of a kind stroller!

Can I easily find and then reach this group of people? Physicians are easier to locate than moms. Why? Well, one reason is because physicians are listed as a group in the yellow pages. So, if your have a product/service that targets a professional group such as physicians you will have an easier time reaching your niche. Whereas, if you are targeting moms it might be harder to find that group, since they dont yet have their own heading in the yellow pages!

Is this group large enough that I can make money selling to them? If your product/service is eye patches for one-eyed pirates, you may need to expand your group. However if you are selling a new bra to women who have had breast enhancement surgery you might have a hit!

Is this group small enough that my competition would overlook it? Yes, your competition might have over-looked the one-eyed pirate market, but that is because this group is too small. However, if your product/service is directed towards a specific need that a specific group has, i.e. women who have had breast enhancement, you might just have the perfect small market.

Have you been a part of this group? You must know the needs of your niche market. The best way to know those needs is if you have been in that group and understand the groups dreams and desires. If you have ever been an attorney, who had need of a well-organized back office, then you would be well prepared to create and offer this service to attorneys.

Is this a group you would enjoy working with exclusively? Maybe you once were an attorney and that is where you came up with this great back office system. Thats great, but if you got out of the litigation business because you didn't like your might want to re-think your idea of selling your handy dandy back office system to attorneys.

Can you see yourself creating other product/services for this group? No one wants to be a one-hit-wonder, ala Billy Ray Cyrus and his Achy Breaky Heart! Once you have sold everyone in your niche one of what you have to offer where do you go from there? If your price point is high enough, maybe you go on to retirement in Hawaii, however, if you are selling a $1.99 product, you will need a way to expand your line as your business grows.

Are you passionate about your product/service?

The amount of time and energy, or as I mentioned earlier blood and guts, that it will take to launch a business is huge! You had better passionately believe in what you are doing and whom you are doing it for, if you want to successfully launch your business.

Well there you have it, the first step in launching your business; Determining Your Niche. Take some time and answer all of the questions outlined above for your product or service. You might find that you want to make a few modifications to fit your niche or maybe you need to change your niche to better suit your business. Either way, just by taking the time to complete this first step you are already on the road to the American dream of becoming an entrepreneur. Congratulations! (And, a little sympathy for your time and trouble!)

In the coming weeks look for So, You Want to Launch Your Own Business? May I Offer My Congratulations and Deepest Sympathy. Part II: Identify Your Ideal Client

Keep in mind that a career coach can help you through all of these business launch steps. Career coaches act as guides on a journey of greater self-awareness and clarity, helping you to find your true passion. Your coach can help you create an action plan to get from where you are to where you want to be in your career and in your life. Once you are working in your strengths you will find you are passionate about what you are doing and the journey is not as painful as if you had made it alone.

To find out how a coach can help you, contact SmartWork Career Coaching @ 805.376.1906 or e-mail @ One of our Career or Executive Coaches will be happy to discuss your coaching options.

© Copyright 2006 Suzanne Freiberg. All Rights Reserved.

Suzanne Freiberg, with 20 years of executive experience, founded SmartWork Career Coaching to empower women in management and leadership to make the changes necessary to become break through leaders. She has received extensive training in emotional intelligence; leadership development; and managing stress for executives. She is a Certified Career Coach and a Certified Executive Coach, as well as a member of the International Coach Federation. Blog30152
Birgit Blog13977

Getting A Credit Card In An Instant

Getting a credit card used to be a time-consuming business. You'd have to ring or go into your bank, fill out a lengthy form and wait for quite a while before you got a reply. Although many people are still using that method, there's now a quicker way, thanks to the Internet.

How Do I Find An Online Credit Card Application?

Most card issuers now offer online application for their credit cards. Finding one is as simple as doing an Internet search or visiting that company's website. In addition, there are several credit card comparison sites that allow users to select cards that match a range of features and then apply. Credit card applicants are required to be UK residents and over 18.

Most online credit card applications now have a summary box which gives details of the rates that apply to purchases, balance transfers and cash advances, the interest free period, fees and charges, how interest is charged and how payments are allocated. There is also a link to the detailed terms and conditions. Once you've read these, it's time to fill in the application form. Here is the information that most credit card applications ask for.

Cardholder's Name And Address

To start with, you will need to give your name. This is usually your full name no hiding that unwanted moniker from the credit card companies. They will also ask about marital status and your date of birth. Credit card companies also ask for your mother's maiden name for security purposes. Applications are only taken from the principal cardholder. This means you can't apply for a credit card on someone else's behalf. However, you can add an additional cardholder at the time of application or later.

You will also need details of your address and postcode. If you have lived at this address less than three years, you will also need to give your previous address and postcode. In essence, you need to show a three year history of where you have lived. Other contact details required include a phone number and an email address.

Home Ownership And Employment

Most companies want to know whether you own or rent your home and some may ask about the size of your mortgage payment. They will also want to know your occupation and employment status. Ideally credit card applicants should be working more than 16 hours a week.

They will also require annual income and bank details, including how long you've been with the bank. Finally, you'll have to list the types of credit cards you already have (Visa, MasterCard, Amex, store cards and so on).

All of these help credit card companies establish what level of credit risk you are and what credit rating you have.

Other Credit Card Services

Many online applications forms offer you the chance to take up additional services such as payment protection insurance, travel insurance, household insurance and much more.

You will also need to have details of any cards that need to be transferred to your new credit card.

Once you've completed all these details, you simply need to wait a short while for a response. Some card issuers respond within a minute. It's worth knowing that there will be some cases where they will ask for additional information before issuing a credit card.

Joe Kenny writes for the Card Guide, offering advice and links to UK credit cards, visit for more top credit cards. Cecile Blog31314
Celestia Blog51825

Buying Life Insurance: A Checklist

Life insurance can be an effective tool to make certain and protect your familys financial future. It has been acknowledged universally as a method by which the breadwinner can substitute risk and uncertainty with timely aid for the family in case of their unfortunate death.

Since a life insurance policy will replace your lost income after your death, it is important to choose the right kind of policy. Hence, it is essential to find a company that will cover your insurance with the right amount, and at a reasonable price.

Need for a life insurance policy:

There are several reasons for an individual, specifically a breadwinner, to make out a life insurance policy. To assuage your concern for your family in case of your death, most life insurance policies offer various death benefits that take care of your family after your death:

1. For example, a member of your family may have some special needs. You can buy a life insurance policy that will act as an emergency fund in the event of your untimely death.

2. If you want to make sure that your child gets quality education even after your death, a life insurance can also work as a fund for your childs education.

3. An insurance policy will ensure the maintenance of your familys standard of living.

4. Your family can also use it to clear personal and business debts, after your death.

Duration of insurance coverage:

Before buying a policy it is advisable to ensure the duration for which you want life insurance coverage. You can take online help to decide the coverage duration.

Need for a checklist

After you decide on your specific need, and the duration of your life insurance policy, you can begin looking for a suitable policy. It is prudent to prepare a checklist before buying, as this will ensure that you end up purchasing the right policy.

The checklist must include various factors on which you can assess insurance companies, which includes various criteria set by insurance companies too. Here are a few pointers:

1. Before buying a life insurance policy, it is advisable to ensure that you have all medical information regarding your health, because most companies expect that, depending on your age and the duration of insurance coverage.

2. Its a good idea to compare various life insurance companies on the basis of quotes that they have to offer. You can take the help of the Internet to compare the quotes based on your choice of insurance product and your age.

3. You can also take help from a broker through the telephone or the Internet and clear all your queries.

4. Once you decide on a particular insurance company, it is important to ascertain the companys financial strength and stability.

5. It is also advisable to gather information about the options for renewal that various insurance companies offer, because some companies charge high premiums if you renew your policy.

6. Some insurance companies charge a penalty if you cancel your policy, so make sure that the company you choose does not demand a penalty on cancellation of policy.

7. You may also want to make some changes in your policy in due time, as your insurance needs can change with time. So, when you purchase your insurance policy find out if there is an age limitation for any kind of conversion of your policy, and whether the option of moving into a better policy is there.

Joe Kenny writes for the UK personal finance sites and also Blog76582
Alison Blog24197

A Passion for Diversity

Some people work at their jobs because they have to make a living, and they get to express themselves after work. Some people have careers that they love, and have a hard time not taking home their work with them when they go home. And then there are successful people in the diversity field. They have a passion for diversity and they live their work. Whether or not they take their work home with them, their work is always driven by the values they live every day, and their lives are driven by the values they promote at work.

When organizations began to embrace diversity in the 1980s, many of them thought that diversity training was the answer. They thought that if every employee attended a diversity training class, biases, complaints and lawsuits would disappear and everyone would work together in harmony forever. There were two kinds of people engaged in diversity training, education and organizational development. There were those who thought of it as program or a trend. These people read a few books, took a train-the-trainer class or bought one in the mail and called themselves experts. The second group knew that it was a process, not a one day program and that in order to create change they needed to live it, learn it and continually develop their passion for it. They were cognizant of the need to integrate diversity into the business strategy of any organization and the rest of their lives. They also knew there were no quick fixesthat it took patience, and timebut change was possible.

The first group lost interest and went on to something else but people in the second group are still here helping to create change Theyre working to create inclusive environments where all people can do their best work and have their individual skills and talents, recognized, appreciated and utilized.

I wanted to know more about this passion for diversity and where it came from. What drives some individuals to maintain their personal mission, vision and values despite resistance, challenges and nay sayers. I interviewed four people whose passion for diversity is so great its like a magnetic force that continues to get stronger and attract everything in its path. These four people are Terry Howard, Director of Diversity for Texas Instruments; Michele Atlas from Workforce Diversity Network; Deb Dagit, Executive Diversity Director at Merck; and, Edgar Quiroz, Director of Strategic Initiatives and Innovation at Kaiser Permanente.

I asked all of them, Why did you get involved in diversity? Here are their stories:

Terry Howard, Director of Diversity at Texas Instruments, has a long-standing and personal connection with diversity. As an African-American male, Ive been involved in and experienced diversity my entire life. From a career standpoint, I actually got involved in this work by default. During the mid 1980s, I managed a group charged with delivering employment and EEO service for AT&T. Our client base was very diverse and that itself heightened my interest in this work. The challenge of fostering awareness of that growing diversity and leveraging it was most intriguing to me. In 1986, I read the Hudson Institute report Workforce 2000. This ignited me and I knew I wanted to help break new ground.

Terrys passion and his involvement in diversity continue to grow. He now supports 15 diversity affinity groups at Texas Instruments, as well as the many business level diversity committees and their annual diversity conferences. In between, I write a monthly internal diversity column and issue periodic diversity tips on the full range of diversity topics, and I speak on diversity and inclusion at meetings and retreats internally and externally . Recently he founded the Diversity Connection Symposium for Texas Diversity Professionals, a group consisting of representatives from Shell Oil, Price Waterhouse, First American, Intel, Intuit, JC Penny, Delotte and others and delivered talks in France and China. He takes his passion for diversity and inclusion to the community, having participated in a community march against hate. One of the things Im most proud of is my role in the successful integration of religion and faith in the workplace amid lots of skepticism. He said that people were still talking about the standing room only session When Traditional Religion Meets Sexual Orientation. When asked what drives him his reply was, My passion is driven by my curiosity about the far-reaching implications of diversity and getting organizations to see that connection. It never stops.

Deb Dagit, Executive Director of Diversity for Merck, told me that she had lived months at a time from when she was 11 to 16 in the Shriners Hospital to receive treatment for a bone condition that resulted in fractures and bone deformities. She was there with other children who had bone and burn disabilities from all over the world. I became close to kids from all over the world who were also living in the hospital for months at a time, cut off from families and "normal" life . I learned what we had in common was more significant than what was different, regardless of our cultural differences."

During the time she spent in public school she was separated from the rest of her class as schools were not required to integrate children with disabilities and therefore there were many restrictions on how she was allowed to attend . She had to sit right next to the teachers desk and was not allowed to go to recess or lunch with the other kids. In describing her experiences she says, Because of how I was treated, I related to other kids who were also seen as needing extra attention from the teacher, whether for behavioral issues or learning challenges . Issues of fairness, respect and inclusion became very important to me as I observed who was singled out and how this caused them to be treated by other members of the class . After graduation, Dagit tutored people who immigrated from Vietnam after the war. She saw how they struggled to learn the language, culture, and to fit in with other kids.

She explained that there is a disproportionate number of people with disabilities who are veterans and who are from minority backgrounds for a variety of reasons , and that along with diversity issues amongst people with disabilities who come from different backgrounds, there are diversity issues around different types of disabilities. Some disabilities are more stigmatized than others, she noted.

Her experiences inspired her to become a diversity leader. She traveled to Washington DC and spoke to lawmakers about the importance of passing the ADA and fought against weakening amendments . During that time I thought about struggles and victories like Brown vs. the Board of Education and the Voting Rights Act, and the importance of civil rights for all people. This experience also caused her to realize the importance of 'reasonable accommodation' for all employees as a foundation for what are now called 'work environment' initiatives."

In my first corporate job out of college I was told very matter of factly that I would never get beyond an 8 or 9 dollar and hour entry level job. After about 5-6 years I began to realize that they were serious about this low ceiling, so l left the corporate world for four years and I worked in the non-profit sector primarily on disability issues . As comfortable and engaging as it was to be with my "tribe," I knew that to effect real systemic changes more broadly. it needed to be from the inside out, companies nee d to see diversity and inclusion as important to the success of their business and consistent with the workplace ethics and corporate social responsibility values the espouse. When I re-entered the private sector it was as an executive with senior level responsibility and salary.

Deb says her passion for diversity only continues to grow. She was a founding member of the Conference Board Workforce Council on Diversity 13 years ago . I have never been around anything else that keeps me stimulated 24 hours a day. I rarely read anything that is not in the field. I have a global vision and I want to help create the kind of world that does not just tolerate differences, but one where people are truly respectful and inclusive of other s, the kind of world that is healthy for our children.

Edgar Quiroz is the Director of Workforce Diversity at Kaiser Permanente's National Diversity Department. He told me, I really never sought to get involved with diversity work, diversity work got involved with me. He grew up in San Francisco in a diverse neighborhood with African-Americans, Asians, Caucasians and Latinos like himself. While attending high school in the 1970s he was active in community student leadership. I organized youth in under served communities city wide to help them with jobs, careers, and educational enhancement. Not one of my past job descriptions ever included diversity as a duty, but I always managed to weave diversity work into my functions. As a boy, my father and I walked the picket lines with Cesar Chavez in support of the UFW. He began working at SF General Hospital as a youth outreach worker. I worked with young people who were homeless, drug and alcohol addicted, prostitutes, battered and abused.

Today Edgar says he is privileged to be the Director of Workforce Diversity for Kaiser Permanente where he has worked for 20 years. During this time he was a founding board member and past president of the Kaiser Permanente Latino Association. I chose Kaiser Permanente because their social mission on community wellnes, diversity and cultural competency are aligned with my own. My primary three areas of involvement are:

1) Enhance the diversity, cultural competence, skill and performance of our workforce;

2) Provide culturally competent medical care and culturally appropriate service to improve the health and satisfaction of our increasing diversity membership;

3) Grow our membership through effective market segmentation approaches that target specific populations which are the fastest growing segments of our society".

Diversity impacts his personal life every day. His family is bi-racial, and it is important to him that they all know, embrace and celebrate both his Latino culture and the African-American culture. My passion for diversity has increased to a point that far exceeded any of my expectations. Its only gotten better and I maintain my lifetime relationships with mentors and colleagues. I love my work, and there is a lot more work to do. As a country we have to pay more attention to populations that have been ignored so more people have access to quality health care. I remain optimistic and hopeful. I am inspired by all others who are also working for change.

Michelle Atlas began her career in Vocational Rehabilitation in Rochester, New York over 13 years ago. Seven years ago, she was hired by the Rochester Business Alliance to create a new program to provide employment services to people with disabilities. After the first year, she was asked to represent the Rochester Business Alliance at the Workforce Diversity Network, an organization whose mission is to create a nationwide learning network to support organizations in learning more about the benefits of diversity in the workplace, and is expanding to other areas in the USA I didnt know a lot about other areas of diversity beyond disability, but as I began to learn about all the other dimensions, diversity and inclusion became so important to me and I kept learning and expanding my knowledge base about every component. As a representative, Michele got to meet diversity leadership in various kinds of organizations. She learned more about diversity initiatives and issues that organizations were dealing with. I felt a very strong affinity for this work. I went from being a representative to the Diversity Workforce Network to serving on the board and becoming a part time staff member; working with the Executive director, and coordinating membership and organizing our national conference. I love the spirit of the other people who do this kind of work. My passion comes from being a part of something that is so good for the world at so many levels. Im excited by other cultures, and I am part of an incredible program called the Mosaic Partnership where leaders in our region are partnered with someone from a different race and participate in group coaching sessions.

Michelle talked about how crucial it is for people in the health care field to be culturally competent. Besides her part time work with WDN, she consults, coaches and trains people who employ people with disabilities to be more culturally competent. My learning points have been to honestly assess my own biases and to then be able to help other people assess their own and feel safe. Learning about my own biases has been very liberating and other people I work with have said that it is true for them. If we want to move forward from diversity to inclusion we have to identify our subtle biases and work through them. I hope I never stop learning.

Although these four individuals are from different industries and came to diversity work from different experiences and backgrounds, they share certain qualities and experiences that contribute to their passion for diversity. From Debs voracious reading of diversity books to Micheles personal involvement with the Mosaic Partnership, we see that these four remarkable individuals have all cultivated lifestyles that support their passion for diversity. They live and breathe diversityboth coming from diverse backgrounds and seeking out diverse interactions and experiences. They have all adopted learning orientations so they can continue to develop their own cultural competence and help others to do the same. Moreover, as we saw with Edgars work with underserved communities and Terrys work with Traditional Religion Meets Sexual Orientation in the workplace, the passion of these four diversity leaders is driven by a lot of Cs: courage, concern, and commitment to diversity initiatives. Be it Terrys commitment to helping organizations understand the implications of diversity, Debs global goals for a better world, Edgars views on what this country needs to better meet the health needs of its diverse population, or Micheles emphasis on breaking down barriers through helping people safely address their own biases, this is truly a visionary group of professionals. Most importantly, their visions are long-term, powerful, and important ones that they consistently move forward a day at a time. These are the kinds of diversity leaders that we need working in organizations of all kinds.

For an organization to successfully leverage the diversity of its organization to improve its performance three concurrent imperatives must be in place. First, diversity must be part of your overall business strategy and, secondly, your organization must move from representation and numbers to inclusion at every level. Finally, you will only be successful if you bring in diversity leaders who not only have knowledge of but a passion for diversity.

Simma Lieberman is a consultant and speaker who helps organizations create more profitable cultures. She specializes in Diversity and Inclusion, Gender Communication and Power Living. Contact Simma to help your organization and the people in it be more successful. Simma Lieberman, 1-510-527-0700,, Blog54075
Celestine Blog52849

Cold Calling Intel

The statistic quoted loudly by those who do not know how to cold call is this, "An industry rule of thumb holds that only about 2% of cold calls produce solid prospects." That has been the industry stat since the early 1950's and means any idiot can pick up the phone, call prospects, and expect to find that 2% of the people on the cold calling list to turn into solid prospects.

Successful sales pros know cold calling is a great way to build and add to a client base out of thin air.

The tremendous advantage of cold calling is this: No other marketing method allows sales professionals to reach as many prospects in as short a period of time.

Before your colleagues tries to lull you into believing, the 2% figure only proves that cold calling is a tactic with a low return on time spent, stop and do some focused thinking about the importance and value of cold calling metrics.

Fact is a 2% return is the very place where every expert cold callers start. 2% is the test number sellers know they can hit if they get up in the morning and make calls. These experts want great results; and make all sorts of adjustments that allow them to beat 2% in geometric proportions. How do they do this? By ruthless examination of additional metrics that have meaning to outrageously successful cold callers. Such as:

1. Percentage of appointments scheduled out of every 10 calls made.

2. Percentage of callbacks from voice mail messages

3. Percentage of appointment scheduled with callbacks from voice mail

4. Average number of calls made to each prospect to schedule an appointment

5. Differences in numbers of appointments scheduled with changes made in words spoken

The good news is your industry colleagues watch just one of these five important cold calling business metrics.

The bad news is you very well may be like most sellers who cold call and:

1. Settle for only one of five important cold calling metrics

2. Fail to leverage even that one metric into a higher response rate

3. Fail to capitalize on cold calling as a significant part of their sales strategy

You have got to ask yourself, are you going to be among the masses who settle for what's been the norm for half-a-century? Or are you going to join the ranks of the elite sellers who examine their Cold Calling Intel to leverage the power and profit awaiting the serious student of cold calling? The answer to these important questions can dramatically change the results of your cold calls.

For your mini-course Jealously Guarded Secrets to Cold Calling Company Presidents visit ! Or call Cold Calling Expert, Lead New Business Development Coach, Leslie Buterin (like butterin bread) at (816) 554-3674 9-3 CST (thats Kansas City/Chicago Time) Find much more on our Blog75406
Aloisia Blog76167

Vocational Schools In Chicago

A vocational school is an institution operated for the purpose of giving the students the necessary skills to perform certain jobs. These schools do not aim to further a liberal arts education instead offer to teach job-specific skills.

Vocational education being offered in the past usually focused on specific trades such as becoming an automobile mechanic or welder. Such training and education were then associated with the activities of lower social classes. As a consequence of this, vocational schools attracted a level of stigma. The youth would prefer going to universities and colleges for their education rather than at vocational schools.

However, during the course of time, the labor market begins to develop itself into a more specialized market. More and more economies begin to demand more specialized skills from the workforce.

Governments and businesses are now beginning to invest in the vocational education through publicly funded training organizations and subsidized apprenticeship or traineeship initiatives to provide for their need for more people with specialized skills. And also because of this, post-secondary level vocational education is now being provided by an institute of technology, or by a local community college.

Vocational education has diversified over the years and now exists to provide training in industries such as retail, tourism, information technology, funeral services and cosmetics, as well as in the traditional crafts and cottage industries. People now have a wide selection of vocational training to choose from to personally equip them with skills for their chosen jobs.

If you are looking for Chicago vocational schools, you will be able to find a number of them online. If you are looking forward to honing a certain technical skill in order to land a job, a good vocational school may be able to provide you with the education that you are looking for. There are vocational schools all over Chicago that offer a wide range of vocational training.

There is the Chicago School of Massage Therapy for those of you who want to become future massage specialists. There is also the Cooking and Hospitality Institute of Chicago for those who want to follow a culinary path to success. The American Academy of Art in Chicago also offers vocational courses for those who are interested in graphic design, commercial art and illustration.

There are many more vocational schools in Chicago that offer a wide range of training and education for those of you looking to improve or further advance their vocational skills. Such skill will be able to help you help you succeed in a chosen career that you choose to take.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on Vocational Schools & other useful information, please visit Blog75365
Berri Blog75189

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