Wednesday, January 30, 2008

What Will Happen To Me When And After I Die? Part Three

In parts 1 and 2 we have discussed the moment when you have just passed over to the other side. We have mentioned your immediate sensations and feelings along with your sudden awareness that, if all goes well with you, all that you believed before about life after death and the afterlife has now passed with your mortal shell. You did not change into an orb, pyramid or flickering flame of light. You did not grow wings and change into an angel. You did not become a shard of an enormous crystal and you did not become part of a giant tapestry. Instead, you became and remained as YOU are, as you were, in every detail. For example, if you were bald here then, bald you will remain. If you are overweight here then, overweight you will remain. If you were just over one meter tall here then, one meter is what you will remain. Whatever and whoever you were before your passing is how we ALL remain after death.


However, as we have discussed, what *does* change are all your physical disabilities and pains. If you were confined to a wheel chair before your death then, with a little nudge from your friends, you will finally leave that chair. If you were blind, deaf or dumb before your death then, all these faculties are immediately returned to you. If there were any limbs missing then these are also immediately replaced. In fact, so quick are these replacements that it takes a good few minutes before you even realise it. On top of all this, any heartache or ingrained pain that you learned to live with here is something else that you are released from. So, not only do you receive all the feelings and sensations that I mentioned before but that, because you too are a Sovereign Entity in your own right, you are made whole once more. All that has gone now. We dont need it anymore.

Oh, and one other thing, although it is so commonly believed yet, we do not suddenly fly up to some imaginary place above us to some distant heaven and leave Earth behind us. This has always been misinterpreted. What *actually* occurs is that, far from going up and out you, in fact, dont move away at all. When you come to realise your own heaven, you will find that it is really only a few steps away from where you are now. When we speak of heaven or, The Astral Plains, what we are really talking about are varying frequencies of being. All that has happened to you, as you will see, is that, without your conscious knowledge, you have changed frequencies as painless and as carefree as we change frequencies on a TV, CB or radio. (For computer buffs, all we do is change our IP address Ok?).

Your Funeral

And so, whilst all this is going on and, whilst you make the adjustments to your new sense of being or rather, remember the *proper* one - because we have all done this a million times over and more before this life your own funeral is approaching

You can not only feel it but can also see all the plans being made for the burial of your body. Whilst this is taking place, what also becomes apparent is that, besides seeing and actually being present by the sides of all those who knew you, two other things become possible.

One: You can feel and see almost every thought concerning you. This is made apparent through all the auras and central being of all those present. As if that wasnt enough yet, added to this is that you can actually feel these thoughts as well. And so, it goes without saying that, what you are hearing from this perspective is absolutely the truth in every detail. There is no mistaking or misinterpreting any of it.

Two: The very moment that anyone around you even thinks of you, (and it doesnt matter which way they do) you can follow that thought and be with him or her instantly to hear the rest of that thought. And so, by the time that you and they have reached your funeral, you know *exactly* how everyone *really* thinks about you deep down and, believe me, when this happens, youre in for a few surprises.

The Truth

It is at this time that you, only then, come to realise the full import of your personality, your character and your influence upon everyone you have known. You come to learn this in its fullest and brightest light a light that also leaves absolutely no room at all for mistakes. What you will hear, sense and feel throughout this time and the times to come, will *always* be just as open, just as truthful. On our astral plains, our spirit world and worlds beyond, lies and self-deception never play another part in your growth. It is pointless and serves no purpose what-so-ever but then, by then, you wont need to be told this. You will be too busy living it yourself.

The surprises to come in all our cases, *may* go something like this:

1/ The person you thought was your best friend is actually and secretly your worst.

2/ The person you loathed proves to have loved you more than anybody.

3/ Your spouse was in love with someone else but put up with you. (or)

4/ The spouse you believed didnt love you at all actually loved you with all his/her soul.

5/ Your children thought you were a proper nightmare but didnt know you anyway.

6/ Your friends down the pub thought you were very amusing but actually believe you to be a prig.

7/ The idiot at work actually admired you above all else and honoured your every word.

8/ Whatever you thought about yourself yet you were just about the worst lover going or that, whatever you thought about yourself, you were the best.

9/ Your grandchildren couldnt separate you from The Simpsons.

10/ Everyone argues over what you left behind but the right person doesnt actually get it.

11/ The friends you thought were gone forever all turn up and truly regret not having spent more time with you or, dont turn up at all because theyre too busy and couldnt give a damn anyway.

12/ Your pet feared the daylights out of you or, will die with you.

13/ Although many will have a good chuckle at the things you did but will secretly despise you and are only there to make up the numbers.

14/ Everyone will buy flowers but only a few will actually mean it.

15/ Some will be heavy hearted because they really and truly miss you including your grocer.

16/ Some will feel a great sense of relief that youre now right out of their picture and couldnt feel better.

17/ Your neighbour down the road will remember the one good turn that you did for them about 20 years ago and will still be feeling grateful to you.

18/ Some will think you to be the most selfish git to have walked the planet.

19/ A few will believe you to be a saint.

20/ A lot of people will say that they hardly knew you but that you have their regrets anyway which means that tradition told them to say this but they rarely mean a word of it. (Some do though).

21/ A few miles away, someone you knew is having real difficulty with your passing someone who loved you so much but never told you. He or she is not sleeping at all well and you can feel this too.

22/ Whilst people are talking about you, amongst all of this, you will feel a great sense of plenty of unfinished business with just about all of them and yes, even your enemies.

You didnt mean this to happen. You didnt mean to say it that way. You meant to love more, be involved more, and be a part of their lives more. But you werent you didnt - and thats that.

Oh dear me, this particular time in our transition can be very hard indeed and its coming to all of us. So, its not so much death that is the concern here but what we leave behind us that is.

So, the funeral is here at last and soon, you can get your sweet butt out of there and begin your own process of making some kind of sense out of this, your last incarnation. Your mind will be running around with all kinds of things to think about but, because everyone else has turned up, you feel that you must too. And so, you do.

By the time that they trundle your cast off down the church aisle, you are already filled with all kinds of information about your last life. But, suddenly, all of this doesnt seem to matter now. You know youre going to sort this out later. And so, for the moment, you push it all aside and, in many cases, follow your own coffin towards the plinth. It is as you walk down that aisle that you also become acutely aware of the *general* feeling in the room and of the *general* feeling about you. You, at this time, are the very centre of all the attention. And so, as all thoughts are directed towards you, from this, you may then gain the overall and final picture of how things *really* were between you and them. In all but a very few cases, by this time and, regardless of personal differences or whatever, there is a general sense that you will be missed after all.

You see, a peculiar thing happens at funerals.

When we attend funerals, we are all confronted with the unthinkable namely, mortality. We are confronted, in no uncertain terms, that none of us are here forever and so, to a much greater power, we all bow to the might of death. And, what a feeling that is. Suddenly, regardless of any kind of differences, character flaws or whatever all now seem so superficial and even childish. What most of us do instead is become extremely introvert and concentrate on one thing only to bury whomever it is we have come to see off. We have a great desire to do it as best we can but, whilst were all doing this, we dont know why we do.

I will tell you.

Although on the surface we may feel glad, sad or indifferent to this passing yet, without fail, right in the very deepest heart of us, we have a knowledge that very few bring to the surface in that, with all said and done, we really do belong to each other. Like an enormous family, we realise that we really are attached to one another in some very deep and holy way. As we are setting this person on his or her way and are making our final goodbyes, deep within us begins a resonance of this knowledge and, as one body, one mind, one heart and one soul, we salute the life that has just ended on this plain of existence and we do it with respect and common acknowledgement. Consciously or unconsciously, we all honour the life just passed and bow to the greater power that exists within and outside of us all.

Meantime, although you yourself will feel, in a very real way, this same sensation yet, on the face of it, you, like everyone else, are waiting to hear what some may say at this, you final material event. Most of the time, this can be very entertaining because, most of the time, most people make you what you know is an exaggeration of the good parts and a profound playing down of the not so good. But, so what. Its fun. Youre enjoying this.

At the wake or after funeral get-together, youre there still, mingling with this person and the other, to feel, hear and see what you really meant to them all. You have an over-whelming desire to hear every little remark not from naive or false egotism but from a deep need to learn all you can about yourself to either enhance or play down at some future date. You see, whether you are aware of it or not yet, at the back of your mind still is a huge sense of the All That Is and, for that, you feel a deep need to improve, grow and expand. And so, you wont even attempt this without knowing the truth your foundation to future growth.

Finally, when the day is over and youve got all you need, quietly and, without any further fuss, you make your exit and leave them to it.

Usually, there is somebody there to guide you away and that; often this may be a family member. But, again, whether you are aware of it or not and, whether your family members are there or not yet, at your side, the whole time, is your most loving Guide. If you knew of your Guide then that person will have made him/herself known a lot earlier than this. But, if you dont believe in Guides havent heard of them or couldnt give two hoots well, this person will make themselves known a little later when you have finally acclimated to your new life. But, they are there *anyway* and are always there regardless of whatever our beliefs may ever say and yes, even if you believe them to be evil, dont exist or are not necessary. They are.

Then, when you decide to leave, that is the moment that your life truly begins and that, for you and, for the moment, death wont have any meaning to you at all. From then and for always, only life will exist forevermore. And, when you realise that all of it, every little, tiny, single moment of it, was WELL worth it

*Thats when the fun truly begins and where the love of all loves, reigns you in and welcomes you home!

Let me teach you what I know so that you too may learn that every single word I have said here is absolutely true and that, for you, you wont have to believe anymore but will KNOW.

I Thank You For Your Time

Bob Daulby

Bob Daulby is a world renowned, global expert on matters of life after death, the greater life and Our Worlds Beyond. He has contacted and communicated with all kinds of entities from the astral plains, other-worldly beings (aliens) as well as with those from inter-dimensional existences and different time-lines. He can teach you to do the same in a very safe, sure and positive manner at: so that everyone may glean limitless knowledge, love and understanding as well as adventures beyond dreams. Please visit where this too can be yours. Arluene Blog77998
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